Top 10 Famous Poets in Ancient China

A poet, in a general sense, usually refers to a person who writes poetry, but from a literary concept, it should be a poet writer and poet writer who has......

History & Culture
Top 10 Beautiful Women in Ancient China

The top ten beauties of ancient China, including the four ancient beauties known to women and children, Xi Shi of Shen Yu, Diao Chan of the closed moon......

History & Culture
Ranking of Chinese Palaces

The Chinese palace is a large-scale building complex inhabited by ancient Chinese emperors. It not only represents the highest status of imperial rulers......

History & Culture
Ranking of the Ten Strongest Founding Emperors

The founding emperor was the emperor who created the feudal dynasty, that is, the first generation of the feudal emperor.

History & Culture
Top 10 China's Dynasty Strength Ranks

China has a long history of five thousand years. As one of the four ancient countries, its strength in history is also quite strong. It has a long and wonderful history.

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