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Humanities & Technology

China, with Chinese civilization as its source and Chinese culture as its foundation, is one of the countries with the longest history in the world.

Top of China

China, a mysterious country. Here, from the geographical, human, historical, economic and other fields of China's most to lift the veil of mystery.

Top 10 Super Projects in China

China has not only built a lot of super-large projects in its development, but these also let the world see the strength of our country.

Geography & Environment
Top Ten Famous Teas in China

In China, there are many kinds of tea, but the recognition of Chinese tea abroad is limited to the top ten famous Chinese teas.

Humanities & Technology
Top 10 Chinese-Made Weapons

In recent years, China has added a lot of high-tech weapons to its arsenal, including various arms of the sea, land, air and Second Artillery.

Economy & Military
Top 10 Most Luxury Hotels in China

Luxury hotels are expensive to build, some are foreign-funded, some are joint ventures, and some are local.

Creativity & Innovations
Inventory of Ancient Chinese Bridges

For thousands of years, the industrious and intelligent Chinese have built tens of thousands of ingenious and magnificent bridges.

Geography & Environment
Top 10 China's Dynasty Strength Ranks

China has a long history of five thousand years. As one of the four ancient countries, its strength in history is also quite strong. It has a long and wonderful history.

History & Culture
Top 10 Cuisines and Their Representative Dishes

China is a large country of catering culture, for a long time in a certain area due to geographical environment, climatic products, cultural......

Humanities & Technology
Ten Most Amazing Inventions in Ancient China

The Chinese people have developed creative thinking since ancient times. In addition to the four major inventions that...

History & Culture
Top 10 China's Foods

What are the famous Chinese delicacies?There are hot pot, Beijing roast duck, Lanzhou ramen, Sichuan skewers, Chongqing hot and sour noodles....

Humanities & Technology
Top 10 Myths and Stories of Ancient China

Myths are a type of folklore. Its production shows the ancient people's struggle against natural forces and their pursuit of ideals.

History & Culture
Top 10 Summer Resorts in China

The hot, high-temperature weather swears the sovereignty of summer. In this kind of weather, many people have no choice but to stay under......

Humanities & Technology
Top 10 Best-Selling Commodities in Yiwu

Yiwu Small Commodity Wholesale Market consists of three market clusters: China Yiwu Trade City, Huangyuan Market and Binwang Market.

Economy & Military
Top 10 Inventors in Ancient China

China has been a world power since ancient times. Although it has been left behind by the wave of the industrial revolution in modern times ......

History & Culture
Top 10 China's Super Projects

GDP is the best measure of a country's economic situation, then engineering, but also a country's economic situation is a good basis.

Humanities & Technology
Top 10 China's Beautiful Scenery

Each beauty has its own unique charm, beautiful enough to make you unable to breathe.

Geography & Environment
Top 10 Ranking of China's Overpasses

China’s overpasses are also very famous in the world. Basically, the world’s largest, most complex, and tallest overpasses are all in China. At the same time......

Creativity & Innovations
Top 10 China's Folk Arts and Crafts List

Folk crafts are the artistic embodiment of the folk customs of the masses. According to the material classification, there are various types......

Humanities & Technology
Top 10 China's Sauce-Flavored Wines

When it comes to liquor, the first thing that comes to mind is Moutai. In fact, in addition to Moutai, my country also has many high-quality......

Humanities & Technology
Top 10 Traditional Crafts of Various Places in Jiangsu Province

Jiangsu, one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization with the four major cultural and regional characteristics...

Humanities & Technology
Chinese Dynasty Replacement Romance (2)

With the failure of Wang Mang's vigorous restructuring, the new dynasty also came to an end.

History & Culture
20 Mainland China Full-Service Airlines(1)

By the end of 2020, there were 64 transport airlines in my country, including 53 passenger airlines and 11 all-cargo airlines.

Economy & Military
Top 10 China's Dinosaur Fossils

Archaeologists have unearthed many dinosaur fossils on the land of China. The number, type, integrity, preservation and scientific value of these dinosaur......

Creativity & Innovations
Chinese Dynasty Replacement Romance (1)

China has a long history, and the change of dynasties is the best in the world. There is no direct historical and archaeological data to prove the period.

History & Culture
Top 10 China's Dinosaur Museums

Although dinosaur fossils have existed on the earth for tens of millions of years, it was not until the 19th century that people knew that such strange animals once existed on the earth.

Creativity & Innovations